The learning support team consists of Mrs J Escott, Head of Student Services, a Learning Support Manager, senior teaching assistants, teaching assistants and an administrator.
The department is well established and our dedicated team of staff work hard across the school, in collaboration with teaching staff, in order to give students with special educational needs and disabilities the best possible experience of school life. The team has extensive knowledge and experience which helps to ensure that students, who are identified as having special educational needs, receive appropriate support and provision to enable them to learn effectively.
A range of strategies are used to support students to ensure that they are fully included within lessons alongside their peers and to enable them to have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. The needs of students are generally met within the classroom with specialist small group or individual programmes available where needed. Teaching assistants are assigned to subject departments to promote continuity, good communication and subject knowledge and in order to be able to provide high quality support and guidance.
We place working in partnership with parents/carers as a high priority and believe the key to success is working closely with students and their families. We ensure that students have opportunities to have their views heard, and to have those views taken into account in matters affecting their future provision. We ensure parents/guardians are kept fully informed of the provision that is in place; this may include exam access arrangements where appropriate.
SEN Coordinator - Mrs J Escott
Please contact via reception@davenant.org